SMT MASTA Webinar Series.

Webinar Series

Our webinar series will feature presentations from both technical development and engineering experts from SMT, looking to demonstrate the latest features within the software, and also make a nod towards future developments.
Chico State Racing Team for the Baja SAE Oregon competition during the 2018-2019 academic year.

MASTA Aids Chico State Racing Team’s First Podium Victories

By having access to SMT’s innovative and pioneering MASTA software, the team were able to streamline and refine their design, analysis and manufacturing processes, which resulted in them building a gearbox that they were confident would stand up to the tough challenges that the vehicle would face.
Detroit cityscape with SMT logo in forefront.

SMT Drive To New Heights With US Office Expansion

Originating as a small collective of engineers over 15 years ago, it’s incredible to reflect on our journey and how far we have come in such a short space of time.
Red SMT Logo.

A Day At…SMT

Here at SMT, we love engineering and strive to be the leading internationally recognised leader in mechanical transmission engineering and software analysis and optimisation services.
University Of Warwick Banner.

SMT Continues Academic Partnership With The University of Warwick

This week, five members of the SMT team hit the road to visit Warwick University, our academic partners, to educate mechanical engineering students with real hands on experience of our MASTA software.
Nottingham cityscape with SMT logo in forefront.

SMT Develops Dedicated Design Team With Additional Office

To support the SMT Headquarters in Nottingham, which serves the software development, customer support and business development teams, we are excited to announce that we have opened a secondary office in Nottingham.
SMT Collaboration with NTU ICL.

SMT Collaboration With NTU Innovation Community Lab

We’re excited to announce our partnership with Nottingham Trent University Innovation Community Lab, bringing together delegates from a range of industry sectors and job roles.
Milton Keynes cityscape with SMT logo in forefront.

SMT Drives National UK Presence To A New Office In Milton Keynes!

We’re delighted to announce the launch of our Milton Keynes office in conjunction with our exciting company development! The office will serve additional sales and support for the company
Senior Software Engineer, Baydu Al.

Congratulations Baydu Al – BSI MCE/5/-/6 Committee Member

It is with great excitement we can announce that Baydu Al, one of our Senior software engineers, has been invited to join the BSI MCE/5/-/6 - Calculation of Gear Performance Committee, which shadows ISO/TC 60/SC 2/WG6.
SMT Software Engineering Director, Dr Paul Langlois.

Congratulations Paul Langlois – BSI Committee Member For Bevel Gears

We are excited to announce that our very own Dr Paul Langlois has been invited to join the BSI MCE/5/-/13 Committee for Bevel Gears. After sitting on the MCE/5/-/6 - Calculation of Gear Performance for several years, and significantly contributing to current research and understanding, he has now been invited to join BSI MCE/5/-/13 Committee for Bevel Gears too.